How to Overcome Your Weight Loss Practice Being the Best Kept Secret in Town


Transforming your weight loss practice from the best-kept secret in town to a recognized and highly sought-after choice requires a few key ingredients, and 4 strategic actions.

There is no doubt that the weight loss market is in a major state of change.  With patient demands for weight loss medications and overt competition from other healthcare practitioners, big box stores, and self-proclaimed experts, sometimes it feels as if uncertainty is the only certainty in this ever-changing industry.

However, this is precisely why it is critical for weight loss practitioners and their teams to take a stand.  It is necessary for you to establish, or expand, your solid footprint in the market and be known as the go-to expert when it comes to medical and/or surgical weight loss information and treatment.  Coincidentally, this also transforms an outstanding practice with great patient outcomes from being the best kept secret in town to the sought-out expert of choice.  It can separate you from your competition and helps to keep you from being ‘out marketed’ by your competition.

So how can you make this happen?  It requires some key ingredients and consistent implementation of 4 strategic actions.

Key Ingredients

The key ingredients for any known expert to be ‘seen’ and ‘chosen’ by those they wish to serve include awareness, authenticity, trust, and results.

Establishing awareness involves your patients being aware of their need for the services you provide.  It also involves showcasing your expertise, and unique perspective in a variety of ways so they can easily discover what you uniquely offer and how you can help them attain the transformation they desire.

Authenticity entails staying true to your values, presenting a genuine image, and fostering a connection with your ideal patients.

Trust is the foundation of any successful professional relationship.  It is built through consistent honesty, reliability, and open communication.

Finally, results serve as the tangible evidence of your capabilities, showcasing the impact and value you bring to helping overweight and obese patients attain their desired outcomes.

While competitors may have deeper pockets or flashy marketing campaigns, you are able to compete effectively by embracing these ingredients and integrating them into the following four strategic actions.

4 Strategic Actions

As a weight loss practitioner, the goal isn’t just to exist, but to thrive as the go-to resource for patients on their weight loss journey.  Over time, four strategic actions have been shown to help practitioners create this reality.

Clearly Define Your Unique Approach

It all starts by clearly identifying and articulating your unique approach to weight loss.  What sets your practice apart from others?  It could be your personalized service, science-based methodology, experience, comprehensive care, or cutting-edge technology.  Begin by embracing your strengths and what resonates with your ideal patients.

  1. 1. Assess Your Program/Approach: Evaluate your current weight loss protocols, methodologies, offerings, and success stories. Identify the elements that have consistently delivered positive results for your clients.  What do you and your team find your patients raving about when it comes to your services, programs, and products?
  2. 2. Create Your Unique Value Proposition: Develop a compelling value proposition that communicates the distinct benefits of selecting you and your practice. Emphasize the aspects that make your practice stand out.
  3. 3. Tailor Your Messaging: Ensure that your messaging aligns with what your ideal patients are feeling and desire most. Understand the specific challenges and aspirations they face and how you and your practice directly address these concerns. This alignment and clear communication will foster a sense of connection and understanding which is crucial for building a trusting relationship.

Enhance Your Visibility Through Outcome Driven Marketing

To become the preferred weight loss practice, you must actively and consistently engage with your current and prospective patients. Strategic outcome driven marketing initiatives amplify your visibility and position you as the best option for long-term weight loss success.

  1. 1. Optimize Your Online Presence: Take a look at your website from a patient’s perspective. Is it easy to find? Is it easy to navigate? Is the next step easy to take? Talk to your web master regarding SEO optimization techniques to ensure your practice shows up prominently in online searches. Leverage social media platforms to share valuable content, engage with your current and prospective patients, and showcase your expertise and patient outcomes.
  2. 2. Don’t Forget Content Marketing: One of the very best ways to optimize organic (free) and paid marketing efforts is to use easy to consume content such as blogs, videos, testimonials and expert comment on the latest weight loss trends. This significantly helps with your SEO and positions you as a valuable resource and authority in the field.
  3. 3. Leverage Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses and healthcare providers. You can cross-promote and/or be featured in front of their audiences through webinars, shared content, and events. Be sure to include your patients as referral partners through a formalized referral or ambassador program.

Prioritize Patient Experience and Outcome

One of the best ways to becoming the preferred weight loss practice is ensuring exceptional patient experiences, measurable outcomes, and positive review and testimonials. These endorsements speak volumes as to the transformation you facilitate for your patients and clarifies why you are the best choice.

  1. 1. Personalized Care Experience: Provide personalized consultations, assessments, and follow-ups to make sure your patients feel ‘heard’ and supported. Building a strong rapport with your patients starting with their first inquiry fosters trust and loyalty, setting the stage for positive outcomes.
  2. 2. Transparent Communication: Foster open communication with your clients. Clearly explain your program, your methodologies, set realistic expectations, and keep your patients informed at every stage of their weight loss journey. Transparency builds confidence and enhances their overall experience.
  3. 3. Showcase Results: Implement data-driven practices to measure the success of your patients. With their permission, showcase their outcomes with before and after photos, testimonials, and outstanding online reviews. Share this success both online and throughout your practice.

Establish a Streamlined Care Delivery System

As patients seek the ideal partner for their weight loss journey, their level of trust is paramount to their decision-making process.  Another essential element is how they feel as they experience your services, programs, and products.  Having a predictable, yet personalized, care delivery system is not only preferred, but expected.

  1. 1. Convenience is King: Patients are accustomed to convenience, even as it relates to healthcare. Be sure that your team and your software accommodates this expectation. Having convenient ways to communicate (secure text/e-mail/phone), track their progress, access education (video/written) that are seamlessly delivered can and will set you apart from your competitors.
  2. 2. Online and Onsite Care Coordination: Making sure that your care delivery system is seamless both online and, in your office, will ensure a positive patient experience.
  3. 3. Systems and Reporting: In addition to the care you provide, you will do yourself, your team and your patients a favor by having systems in place for maximum efficiency and predictable performance. In addition, having convenient reporting and tracking tools are critical for smart decision making.

It’s time to go from being the best-kept secret in town to the number one choice for weight loss transformation.  Implementing these key ingredients, principles and strategies are a great way to make that happen.

If you are looking for an all-in-one streamlined software platform for tracking new and existing patients and communicating securely in all modes, there is a solution.  You can learn more at   It is one of the few solutions that is inter-operable with most EMR systems and can serve as a powerful EMR as well – making it truly an all-in-one system.

About the Author: Karol Clark, MSN, RN, is a best-selling author who has a passion for helping physicians integrate effective, profitable weight loss services and retail sales into their practice while improving patient outcomes and enjoying the journey along the way. Her use of non-traditional (easy to implement) medical marketing strategies, along with her dedication to a positive ROI makes her a uniquely different and sought-after weight loss business consultant. Karol is the CEO of Weight Loss Practice Builder and the exclusive membership program for weight loss practitioners, She has more than 20 years of experience working with surgical and medical weight loss physicians and their teams helping them simplify creation of a profitable and enjoyable bariatric practice.