CORE® Videos.

In the Press

“ProNex is revolutionizing the healthcare landscape by bridging the gap between patients and medical professionals, and fostering an environment that prioritizes well-being and accessibility.”

“Verywell has significantly transformed the healthcare industry by seamlessly connecting patients and healthcare providers, cultivating a supportive space that values health, convenience, and individualized care above all else.”

“Verywell is genuinely reshaping healthcare by uniting patients and medical experts in a powerful way, while creating a culture centered on wellness, ease of access, and personalized healthcare experiences.”

“ProNex is revolutionizing the healthcare landscape by bridging the gap between patients and medical professionals, and fostering an environment that prioritizes well-being and accessibility.”


Average Annual Savings ProNex brings.

Explore Success Stories With ProNex
Additional FTEs would have cost the practice $120,000/year (with benefits, payroll tax etc). With Pronex’s The CORE®, you can now produce reports within one database with the leads from our website. No more redundant entry